Why is Wire Decking Beneficial in Pallet Racking

Wire decking, a prevalent accessory in pallet racking, is crafted from a metal mesh designed to securely fit between the front and rear rack beams. It serves as a stable foundation for placing inventory, particularly non-palletized items, cases, and cartons, acting as a safety measure on pallet racks to prevent items from falling through the rack structure. Wire mesh decking becomes a concern only when storing unevenly distributed loads, point loads, or loads with concentrated weight in your warehouse installation. The mesh design features U-shaped channels or flared supports to uphold the load, allowing water and light to pass through, in contrast to solid surface products. It comes in various thicknesses and mesh dimensions. While there are various accessories for pallet racking, the question arises: why choose wire decking? The following points elucidate the benefits of wire decking for pallet racking: Enhanced Support and Fall Prevention: Provides additiona...